Mind GaugeMind Gauge

Data Deletion Request

We respect your right to control your data. There are two ways to delete your account and associated data from Mind Gauge.

1. In-App Deletion

The fastest way to delete your account and all associated data is through the app:

  1. Open the Mind Gauge app
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Scroll to Account Management
  4. Tap “Delete Account”
  5. Confirm your choice

This action is immediate and irreversible. All your data will be permanently deleted from our systems.

2. Email Request

If you prefer, you can also request deletion by email:

Send your deletion request to:


Please include:

  • The email address associated with your account
  • Subject line: “Data Deletion Request”

We will process email requests within 30 days and send you a confirmation when completed.

What Gets Deleted

When you delete your account, we remove:

  • Your personal information (name, email, date of birth)
  • All assessment data and results
  • Usage data and preferences
  • Any other data associated with your account


If you have any questions about the deletion process, please contact us at:

Email: support@mindgauge.app